How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs may vary depending on delivery location and store policies, such as the number of products purchased. You can get your exact shipping costs by adding products to your cart, proceeding to checkout, and entering your mailing address. Shipping costs will be updated immediately and shown in your final cost.

You can see details about shipping fees and delivery times in our Shipping Policy.

Where do we deliver?

We provide worldwide shipping.

Can the order be delivered to multiple addresses?

We do not accept shipping to multiple addresses for a single order. Please place separate orders if you want products delivered to different addresses.

What should I do if my tracking number doesn’t work?

It may take 3-5 business days for tracking numbers to appear in the system of the shipping company. Depending on the shipping option you choose, it’s possible that the tracking information won’t be immediately available, but you can be sure that your shipment is still being delivered normally. Please get in touch with our customer support if your order hasn’t arrived after 30 business days.

How can I edit/cancel my order?

We typically start processing your order as soon as it is placed to ensure you will receive it on time. As a result, once an order has been processed, certain information cannot be modified. Within six hours of placing your order, please reach us via our Contact Form if you need to change any order details so that we can assist in making possible changes.

How can I exchange my items?

Our items do not currently provide an exchange option. Please get in touch with our customer service within 14 days of order delivery if you have any complaints about your purchase. Then, if deemed necessary, our customer service division will assist in offering a replacement or refund.

Why my payment isn’t accepted?

To protect your security and privacy, your bank can’t provide us with information about why your payment was declined. Contact your bank directly to solve these payment issues. You might want to try again with a different payment method. In case the issue persists, kindly contact our customer support team for further support.

How secure is my personal information?

We adhere to the highest security standards to protect your personal information when you enter the checkout page and purchase from our online store.
When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into an SSL-secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider’s network, where your card and transaction are authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.